Arts Global

USA--New York

20 May 2007

Launch of the American Friends of the Swiss Global Artistic Foundation

The splendid home of The Lotos Club, one of the oldest literary clubs in the United States, and named to convey "an idea of rest and harmony" was the appropriate setting for the launch at the end of May of the Foundation's new New York Office and the start of the planned development of its activities in the U.S.

The event, totally in keeping with the spirit of vitality and creativity that has marked the club's more than 125 years of existence, gave vibrant notice that the Foundation intends to make its presence as significantly felt on the United States artistic scene as its has done so far in Europe.

Heather de Haes, the Foundation's Founder and President, welcomed the several hundred invited guests to a reception and concert with the overall theme of "An Evening of Rachmaninoff", together with a display of new ceramic works by the Welsh artist Paul Philp. His brother, Richard Philp, a member of the Foundation's Board of Advisors, presented the eclectic collection. There were additional presentations by other Board members, Lord Poltimore, Chairman of Sotheby's, United Kingdom, who lectured on Russian art from Rachmaninoff's time tzo the present day, Professor Tamás Ungár, Director of PianoTexas, who introduced the musical repertoire performed, and Michael Green, the Foundations Public Relations Advisor, who vividly recalled Rachmaninoff's special relationship with Switzerland amd described the composer's villa, still standing today just as he left it, on Lake Lucerne.

The musical section of the evening gathered together a briliant and truly global array of outstanding young musical talents. Swiss tenor Gilbert-Michel Rolle and American tenor Matthew Garrett were accompanied by Djordje Stevan Nesic, and there were piano solos by Russian Natalia Katyukova and Belorussian Andrey Ponochevny. A bravura virtuoso performance came from the Korean violinist Hahn-Bin, teamed with pianist John Blacklow.

All in all, not only a very special night to remember but a memorable start to the Foundation's transatlantic operations, which will continue with other events later this year.

Swiss Global Artistic Foundation
889, Ninth Avenue, 2nd Floor,
New York, N.Y. 10019
(212) 397 5352

The Artists...

Korean violinist Hahn-Bin in performance  American tenor Matthew Garrett with girlfriend Katie Berkshire
Pianists Andrey Ponochevny and Natalia Katyukova
Swiss tenor Gilbert-Michel Rolle with collaborative pianist Djordje Nesic

Illustrious Guests in Attendance...

Advisory Board member Jonathon Moore, Foundation Director Heather de Haes and Ambassador Christoph Bubb, Swiss Consul General Swiss Deputy Consul General Daniel Haener and wife with Foundation Artistic Director Geoffrey Simon American composer John Musto with pianist Djordje Nesic Young Concert Artists director Susan Wadsworth

The Advisory Board...
Art dealer Richard Philp at the microphone, Public Relations Advisor Michael Green at his side  Dr Tamás Ungár, professor of piano at Texas Christian University  Legal advisor on philanthropy Jonathon Moore with Foundation Artistic Director Geoffrey Simon  Ambassador Christoph Bubb with Lord Mark Poltimore, senior consultant at Sotheby's  Musicologist Dr David Cannata in discussion with pianist Natalia Katyukova



Matthew Garrett tenor

Djordje Nesic piano
The Morn of Life, Op.34 No.10
Oh, Sing Not to Me, Beautiful Maiden, Op.4 No.4
In the Silence of the Secret Night, Op.4 No.3

Natalia Katyukova piano
Daisies, Op.38 No.3
Tchaikovsky (transcribed Rachmaninov): Lullaby, Op.16 No.1
From Études-Tableaux: Op.39 No.6 in A minor
Kreisler (transcribed Rachmaninov): Liebesleid (Love's Sorrow)

Hahn-Bin violin
John Blacklow piano

Two Pieces, Op.6: Romance; Danse hongroise
Vocalise, Op.34 No.14

Gilbert-Michel Rolle tenor
Djordje Nesic piano

The Harvest of Sorrow, Op.4 No.5
The Little Island, Op.14 No.2
Spring Waters, Op.14 No.11

Andrey Ponochevny piano
Prelude in D major, Op.23 No.4
Prelude in B-flat major, Op.23 No.2
Prelude in D-flat major, Op.32 No.13

English version Version française Deutsche Version