Bob Gallo
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Arts Global

Bob Gallo


Bob Gallo, an upstate New York native, graduated from Union College, and upon arrival in New York City, enrolled in the graduate program in Art History at Columbia University. Following his studies at Columbia, he became a professional art dealer and, for seventeen years, held the position of Associate Director at Babcock Galleries. The Galleries, founded in 1852, concentrate on American painting of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

His love of classical music began with piano studies, and it soon paralleled his interest in the fine arts. He became a member of the Audience Services department at the New York Philharmonic, where Public Relations was paramount. The experience garnered at the Philharmonic prepared him for a career in the PR field. He obtained the position of Associate Publicist at The Carson Office, a prestigious organization which represented high-profile classical artists, conductors and orchestras. During his time at Carson, he helped promote the careers of many artists, including Michael Tilson Thomas, Alfred Brendel and Leonard Bernstein. In 1990 he traveled to Sapporo, Japan to perform international press services for the opening of the first Pacific Music Festival. Leonard Bernstein and Michael Tilson Thomas were the festival's Artistic Directors. Mr Gallo returned to Sapporo in 1991 as the festival's press representative.

Gallo+Giordano is the press/public relations office founded thirteen years ago by Mr Gallo and partner Joe Giordano. The renowned horn player Barry Tuckwell and The International Violin Competition of Indianapolis, formerly represented by Carson, were its first clients. The office has become a high-end public relations boutique which caters to those looking for specialized attention. Based in New York City, Gallo+Giordano specializes in promoting the performing arts industry.