Igor Piovano
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Igor Piovano


Igor Piovano was born in Italy and studied dance in Turin, where he won a scholarship to attend the professional classes at the Teatro Nuovo Torino. He was a principal dancer with the Teatro Nuovo Ballet in 1990, the Compagnia di Balletto Carla Fracci in 1991, the Arena di Verona (at which time he won the Gold Medal at the Chiavari Competition), the Perti Virtaneen Dancers and the Compagnia Veneta di Balletto Classico.

From 1994-2005 he was a principal at the Béjart Ballet Lausanne, with which he appeared worldwide in principal roles choreographed for him. From 2001-5, in addition to his work as a principal dancer, he was director of rehearsals and a teacher for the Béjart company. He remains a guest teacher of master and repertory classes for the Béjart Ballet, while guest teaching at other international companies and schools.

In 2001 Igor Piovano danced in the movie One Last Dance with Patrick Swayze and in 2003 he was invited to the Paris Opera to teach Béjart's ballet The Miraculous Mandarin. In 2004 he choreographed the opening ceremony of the International Harp Symposium, in collaboration with Kathryn Bradney, at the Palais des Congrès in Lyon. In 2005 he was a member of the jury for the pre-selections of the Prix de Lausanne, and in 2006 was a guest principal dancer for the Prix de Lausanne Gala. In April 2006, with Kathryn Bradney, he choreographed a special evening, Carta Bianca, for the Teatro Comunale in Bra, Italy.

Mr Piovano is currently Assistant Director of the Terna Dance School in Italy and co-Director of Centre Igokat in Lausanne--a dance company, dance school and film company.